Sunday, June 14, 2009

Leaping off the wagon...headfirst

Some of you know that back in February Landon decided that he would stop eating chocolate for one whole year. He claims that his occasional acid reflux was triggered by chocolate. He kept it up rather well while we were in the U.S. However, just before we left for Greece, a co-worker staged what can only be termed a "chocolate intervention." He told Landon, in no uncertain terms, that fasting from chocolate while in Europe was near which I say a hearty AMEN!

Anyway, as the pictures below will prove, Landon and I have wasted no time in sampling the cocoa delights of Europe. Today was his birthday and we celebrated, as one should, with chocolate.

But first, let's talk about the birthday dinner: We have a tiny kitchenette, truthfully I feel like I'm cooking in a Polly Pocket kictchen here. But considering our resources, I felt pretty pleased with the birthday dinner I made for Landon.

Spinach salad with poached pears and fresh cherries and a self-made raspberry viniagrette; Roasted red pepper pasta with gouda cheese; and raspberry juice.

We don't have an oven so I couldn't bake a cake myself...but I did find a pre-made cake round at the supermarket, so for dessert we frosted the cake round with nutella. After his first bite Landon said he might want a nutella cake every year. That's cool with me because it was the easiest birthday cake I've ever made.
We topped the evening off with Landon's favorite chocolate: Swiss Toblerone. Yes, we were trying to induce a good old-fashioned birthday sugar headache...and we suceeded.
Griffin was shocked and slightly offened that we didn't leave any Toblerone for him.

Anyway, Happy Birthday Landon!!! I love you.


tg said...


Kristy said...

Cutest picture of Griffin! He likes chocolate like his Grandma. I make faces like that when I hide a candy bar and then can't remember where I hide it. HEE HEE

Happy 26th Birthday Landon! Your cake looks divine!

Heidi said...

Happy Birthday Brother! I am glad to hear you gave up on the not eating chocolate. It is not worth it. Love you all.

The House That Lars Built said...

Camille, you kill me! Griffen is darling. I'm so glad you sent this out!


Nate and Julie said...

Happy Birthday Landon! I'm glad you finally came around and realized life is not worth living without chocolate...especially in Europe!

The Laytons said...

Happy birthday Landon!
I am so glad you are enjoying the native sweets!! Everything looks delicious! And Griffin is so cute, I just want to give him hugs and kisses!! Have fun!

Becky said...

You guys are dorks! and I love you!!

Happy Birthday Landon!

Cami the meal looks brilliant!