Monday, December 26, 2011

Creepers be gone!

A sign that I've been way too neglectful of the blog: unfiltered creepers making bizzaro comments on my blog.  And of course I am referring to Willy's Nillies and his apparent blogging co-dependency.  Willy, you've been placed on notice.  Don't make me get an electronic restraining order.

So I've cleaned out the creepers, dusted off the keyboard, and made a new year's resolution.  Let's see what comes of this... stay tuned, but don't get your hopes up.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

the 4th

Perhaps it was because I watched the movie Polyanna too many times as a kid, but the fourth of July always reminds me of the 1920s and barbershop quartets. It always feels like an attempt to capture a bygone era of ice cream parlors and open-air buggies. Maybe that's just me.
Today we attended a July 4th picnic...yes, I know today is the 2nd, but we're just getting an early start to our holiday. Anyway, there was a definite feeling of nostalgia to the celebrations that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

On an unrelated note, fireworks are legal here in Virginia, so we're really looking forward to a spectacular 4th.

Does the fourth of July remind you of any era in particular? What are your plans?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

"Somebody is out of my mind!"

Today Griffin came to me and, holding an old cell phone to his ear said, "Somebody is out of my mind!" You and me both, kiddo. The last six months or so have been rather odd.

I was planning in November on doing a post about all of the amazing fall colors and the 30+ bags of leaves we spent 10+ hours raking,
blowing, and bagging.

I planned to do a post in December about spending Christmas week in both Arizona and Utah and the massive snowstorm that left us stranded somewhere in between the two (Flagstaff).

In January I would have posted about Landon's parents coming for a great visit and playing around DC tourist-style. Grandpa Huber was particularly patient and climbed into every available plane with Griffin at the Air and Space Museum.

In February I thought about posting something about my brother Spencer leaving on his mission to Roseville, California and my trip to AZ to hang out with family for the occasion.
(cation to this picture: Griffin: There's a camera out, time for me to ham it up. Isaac: this is my xylophone.)

In March I should have definitely made note of Anna's Spring Break visit. We spent half a week in Virginia Beach and then half a week in D.C.
In April I really should have mentioned the amazing cherry blossoms and moving into a new apartment.
And then May came and went in a blur that I don't even really remember.
And now suddenly it's June and I have nothing to show for it, but the pictures above.

*My excuse for all of my blogging laziness is this: Landon was assigned to work in Chesapeake, Virginia for six-ish months. Chesapeake is a four hour drive south of D.C. Living out of a hotel sounds fun, and it's not all that bad...but it makes life weird in so many, many ways. But now that we are back in the swing of normal life, you can expect more frequent least until something else distracts me.