Friday, January 9, 2009

More pictures

So I've been told that I would be remiss in my duties as a mother if I neglect to post more pictures of my child for your enjoyment. So here they are. I sure never get tired of looking at him, hope you don't.
Seriously, I swear his hair is bionic. It sticks up like that on its own.

This last one is my personal favorite, as it reflects Griffin's general attitude toward having his picture taken with the flash on.


Heidi said...

He is the most adorable little guy ever! I love the hair. Isn't being a mom the greatest thing in the world!? Thanks for posting more pictures.

Kimberly said...

Love the hair!! He really is a cutie! And wow, for the rolling over stuff and congrats on such a great sleeper! You truly are lucky. I believe we get our easy ones first because then you think you can handle more and want to have another child...and that's when the real challenge comes. Trust me, things are a bit more difficult with a second child. So enjoy it while you can! (but I sure do love them both!) :)