Wednesday, January 28, 2009

More video

Here's more video of the cutest baby ever doing what he does best!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Like Father Like Son

Not even an earthquake could wake this kid.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

You think you know someone

My Dad grew up raising cows and as such he favors whole milk. However, under duress he will tolerate 2% milk. He refers to 1% and skim as "blue milk" because it looks watered down to him. In my adult life most of the guys I have known would side with my father when it comes to milk preference. In fact, I had a male friend refer to skim milk as "impostor milk."

Myself, I've been a skim milk type of girl for both health and budget reasons ever since I started buying my own groceries. When Landon and I got married, I switched to 1% milk thinking I was making one of those accommodating marriage-building compromises everyone tells you about.

This brings me to a discussion that Landon and I had this morning over French Toast and our traditional 1% milk. It turns out that he was raised on skim milk. And it also turns out that he has no preference for fattier milk as I had errantly assumed. A year-and-a-half of marriage and 1% milk....and then he blind-sides me with this news. The way I figure it, at a gallon of milk a week we could have saved a total of $31.20 by purchasing skim milk instead of 1% over the course of our marriage.

$31.20!!! That's a pair of jeans...speaking of which, I am wearing Landon's jeans today because I still can't fit into any of my pre-pregnancy pants, bummer.

Friday, January 9, 2009

More pictures

So I've been told that I would be remiss in my duties as a mother if I neglect to post more pictures of my child for your enjoyment. So here they are. I sure never get tired of looking at him, hope you don't.
Seriously, I swear his hair is bionic. It sticks up like that on its own.

This last one is my personal favorite, as it reflects Griffin's general attitude toward having his picture taken with the flash on.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Baby's got skills

I know that every parent thinks that they have the cutest/smartest/cuddliest baby ever. Every parent thinks that the world should stop and take notice of their uniquely brilliant and precocious offspring. Surely all the history of the universe has been building, mounting a suspenseful crescendo to this climax moment: the unveiling of this perfect human being who is your precious little bundle of joy. Why has the clock gone on ticking? Why has there not been an international holiday declared? Why does the world fail to come to a screeching halt and hold its collective breath in respectful awe of your progeny?

Truthfully, I believe that most parents think their child deserves at least this kind of resounding welcome, if not better. However, I offer below proof that my child is in fact the type of prodigy spoken of only in legends and wives' tales. He is truly worthy of your respect, admiration, and yes, even jealousy.

First, he has already rolled over...TWICE! Yes, dear reader, twice. The kid was four days old, four days I tell you and he rolled over. Then he repeated the feat at six days. Physical prowess of this caliber is indeed rare, and frankly I wouldn't blame you if you thought I was exaggerating. But I promise you it is true, my baby is apparently the hulk.

If you had a hard time believing that .... brace yourself for this next one. At two-and-a-half weeks old my child is consistently sleeping for 6-7 hour stretches at night. Seriously, after all of those horror stories about sleep deprivation and 3 a.m. feedings I say, "Bless you, Griffin, for being such a sound and hearty sleeper, bless you again and again." We've moved him out of our room and into the nursery two nights ago because he seems to get better sleep in there, go figure.

And lastly, have you SEEN pictures of this kid? I mean, look at him... I submit that there never was nor shall be a more attractive baby. He gives new meaning to the word adorable.