Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Snow Day!!

Growing up in Arizona, I never experienced the childhood pleasure of a snow day. The closest I ever came was one day when the power to our high school went out. I remember that day as possibly the coolest day of my adolescence: board games, movies, ice cream, etc... I suppose it wasn't the activities of the day, but just the unexpected liberation that really made it fantastic. Anyway, in my mind snow days always had a somewhat mystical appeal.

Last week a snow storm rolled through and dropped 14-18 inches of snow over the course of 2 days. Because of the road conditions, Landon decided to work from home. In my mind all of my imagined "snow day" dreams were about to come true. I was really excited that as an adult I was finally going to get a snow day. My list of snow day expectations was as follows: hot chocolate, popcorn, blankets, movies, crackling fire, warm socks. Unfortunately, my imagination did not include the fact that "working from home" actually meant that Landon had to work. To his credit, Landon didn't get frustrated when I kept interrupting with things like, "Hey I was thinking about Christmas ideas and..." or "I'm rethinking our plans for that basement bedroom and..." or "What do you think about hanging curtains in Griffin's bedroom?" or "Remember that one time when..."

Truthfully, my mind is normally jumping around mundanities like that, but Landon typically isn't here to vocalize all of these thoughts to. It took me a while to muster the self-control to allow him to work in peace. So my snow day, in reality, was much more similar to a regular day than I expected. It just meant that I got to eat lunch with Landon.....ok, ok, so we took a hot chocolate and popcorn break too.


Nate and Julie said...

I love that picture...so precious! Thanks for posting. I too am new to the whole snow day concept. I'm still not quite sure how I feel about them, but I'm sure this winter will give me plenty more opportunities to grow to love them.

Anonymous said...

Didn't we go to Becky's house that day and we watched Ferris Buhler's Day Off?

I, too, fondly remember the power-out day. Good times. :)

tg said...

I now have a new favorite picture of Griffin. He looks amazed at all that snow.

Allison said...

I love that you count the power out day as an almost snow day. That was one of my favorite days too!

Adrienne said...

Hey Camille! It's been a long time since I've checked blogs (not a blogger myself..... :), but you came to mind this morning so I thought I'd say hi! Griffin is darling, of course. If you're traveling to AZ this winter, let me know!

The Laytons said...

Yay! Glad you had fun!