I'm trying to post at least once a week. And of course now that I've said that, if I miss a week I'll have guilt heaped upon me by Griffin's clamoring public. Anyway, over the last week or so I've had several moments where I was unfortunately forced to ask the question, "Are we really this silly?" Listed below are the events that inspired such deep introspection.
1. In the picture below, Griffin sits in a 'Boppy' pillow.

For those of you who haven't seen one before, they are fantastic and a must-have baby item as far as I'm concerned. The tag on this pillow (a pillow designed for use while nursing or for baby to sit in) reads: "Care should be exercised near open flame or with burning cigarettes."
Really? We really needed that warning printed on a baby pillow? In my opinion a more apt warning would have been:
But maybe that's just me
2. A kind and wonderful person gave us a Christmas gift for Griffin that included baby socks.

We love the person who gave us these socks. They are cute socks that will keep his toes warm. We will use them and love them. However, I see no need for the non-skid feature so predominantly advertised. I mean, I know that my child is a prodigy, but let's get serious here. I don't know of a single 0-6 month old who needs better traction on the soles of their feet.
3. Griffin was born with lots of hair. I love his hair and have a lot of fun with it. Recently however, I've noticed that the hair on the back of his head is growing a little long-ish while the hair on the top of his head is shedding slightly. The unfortunate result...Griffin now sports a baby mullet. I'm going to have to trim up the back before too long or he'll start looking skeezy and listening to 80's punk rock.
4. The caring and concerned new father that he is, Landon signed Griffin up for dental insurance. I'm not exactly sure what a dentist might have to do in a baby's mouth, but I suppose it's nice to know that we're covered if Griffin happens to get an impacted molar.

5. And lastly, the other day as I was listening to the radio, the local radio personality woman was congratulating her guest on being the "valid Victorian" of her high school. I know that a valedictorian is the person who graduates at the top of their class. But I imagine the Valid Victorian can only be the person who dresses in authentic Victorian-period clothing. There may be a new trend afoot.
Your posts are always fun to read. Thanks for making me laugh. A little over one week and we will be there!
Okay you are so funny!! And yes, those warnings are silly! Thanks for the laughs! And don't worry, Caleb had a baby mullet too :)
Well, just another reason for you to stop smoking. The things we sacrifice for our kids. And dental insurance for little Griff. Maybe they will pay for some "Numbsit" or baby tylenol or a teething ring when he starts to get his first teeth. But one can never be too prepared when it comes to raising kids. Love your posts. I know you guys are enjoying family right now.
Look forward to seeing you and that little guy soon.
Love, Uncle Rico
Qué un chico pequeño mono. Justo otra razón para dejar de fumar. Pienso justo que una instrucción general debe ser enviada con todos bebés, "Mantiene en un humo liberta enviornment". (something for Sarah to translate for you when she gets there) As always, Uncle Rico
You have put into words some of the things I too have wondered about:really, why do they put those traction sticky thingies on the bottom of their socks at that age?!? You are so clever! Thanks for the good laugh! And I am glad to have you blogging at least once a week, that will be great! Blog at you soon!
I was watching the video of Griffin waking up...and Colton was by my side, as always, and he pointed at the baby saying,"brudder! oh brudder!". It was really cute (everything they do is cute, right?!). So I explained to him that is Griffin, not brother Griffin but cousin Griffin: same name, different baby!;) And your Griffin is adorable!!! I love the dinosaur noises they make...
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