Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Making up for it..

So I knew the moment I committed myself to posting once a week that I'd fail to follow through. I don't know why I made a public resolution that I was so sure to shirk. Anyway, I have LOTS of stuff to post about so I figured I'd do two posts this week to make up for my lackluster posting as of late. First and foremost, I'm posting some pictures from Griffin's baby blessing last week. He was looking oh-so-dapper in his white tuxedo.

A special thanks goes out to Grandma Griffin for altering the outfit so that it fit, because before she fixed it it looked like the poor kid was wearing a pillow case.

Griffin got in several naps while family was here. These two pictures showcase his napping...and Rachael's and Grandpa Griffin's as well.

And I can't resist one more picture. Man, this kid is adorable!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

He is so adorable. We were so glad we came out and visited. Thanks for being such great hosts!