Wednesday, December 10, 2008

First Lesson of Parenthood

Last Saturday Landon and I went walking around model homes. You may wonder why we chose to do this when we just recently purchased a lovely little 3 bedroom fixer-upper. My answer is twofold: 1. this is how adults 'play house' and 2. I wanted to induce labor with lots of walking. Click here for the house we voted as 'most likely to induce labor.' It has options for a possible 10 bedrooms. I ask you, who in the world has a need for TEN bedrooms? Anyway, it was a fun morning of meandering through sumptuous homes that we couldn't possibly afford. Interestingly, I got the feeling that some of these builders were waaaay desperate to sell.

Along with hiking through model homes, we ate spicy foods, delivered Christmas cookies to our neighbors, cleaned the bathroom, and walked around the mall. Additionally, I've been taking all of the herbal supplements and such that are supposed to encourage labor. Unfortunately, none of this seemed to make a difference as I was still very much pregnant on Sunday morning. And since then the pattern has not changed.

I've decided, though, that I am learning the very first lesson of parenthood: I am not the one in charge. This baby is going to get here whenever he's good and ready and there is very little I can do to change his mind. I can cajole and plead and beg and whimper, but at the end of the day, it's not up to me....who knew that parents were really that powerless?

1 comment:

Heidi said...

You learned this a lot sooner then I did and believe me, this only becomes more and more true with each passing day. I can't wait to hear that he is here!